19 09, 2018


Tens of thousands of residents and visitors each year utilize the Upper Iowa River and its corridor for recreational activities including canoeing, kayaking, fishing, tubing, wildlife watching, camping, and other activities. Canoeing and Kayaking The Upper Iowa River is perhaps the most widely-recognized river in Iowa and one of the first in the nation to be nominated as a national Wild and Scenic River in the 1960s. Thanks largely to private landowners and organizations that own and care for it, the river corridor has retained its scenic and natural character and become a premier recreational river. Paddlers will share this [...]

14 06, 2017

    Karst, Water Quality & Livestock: Finding Balance for a Sensitive Geography

    Karst, Water Quality & Livestock Forum: Finding Balance for a Sensitive Geography Held on May 30, 2017 at Luther College in Decorah Iowa From: https://www.iaenvironment.org/events/eid/1EBC82C0001C6257/council-events/karst-water-quality-and-livestock-forum/ Thanks to more than 100 attendees at the forum on May 30 for your interest and participation. We especially want to thank the Mississippi River Network (MRN) for a small grant that made the event possible. Additional support came from the Iowa Groundwater Association, Luther College Center for Sustainable Communities and Bob and Donna Bernard-Trout Unlimited Members. Other event co-sponsors were the Allamakee County Protectors – Education Campaign, Practical Farmers of Iowa and Trout Unlimited. [...]

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